Reading Notes: Jakata Anthology, Reading B
Reading Notes
Bibliography: The Foolish, Timid Rabbit by Ellen C. Babbitt
This story was quite hilarious to me. I love reading stories like this one, where the rabbit is unaware of his surroundings and causes a ruckus all around. The first rabbit who is scared the world was going to break runs for his life, once the sound of a crack is heard behind him, which was just a coconut. As he runs and runs, animals of all sorts join in until they come across the King Lion. Once the King Lion backtracks the first rabbits steps, he ends up calling the rabbit a fool.
Bibliography: The Cunning Crane and the Crab by W. H. D. Rouse
In this story, the Crane is pretty clever and plots a plan to eat all the fish. The lake the fish were currently at was drying up from the heat, so they were bound to dry up and die. However, there was a beautiful lake nearby, that was under shade so the water was glistening. The Crane convinced the fish to go one by one into his beak, once he took an old fish with one-eye there and back safely. The Crane then took advantage of the gullible fish and ate them one-by-one as they were taken to the "beautiful lake". Once all the fish were depleted, the Crane was hungry and ran into a Crab. The crab thought around the Crane's tactics and got itself to the beautiful lake, safe and sound, snapping the Crane's neck once and for all.
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