Week 6 Story: Social Division

Children seem to get along quite well when they are young and wild. However, once they reach a certain age, you are able to see what type of person they actually are. This is the reason why kids tend to narrow down who their friends are once they reach college. This story will dive into James and Patrick's friendship.
James was the son of CEO Harrison, who owned a franchise business. Patrick was nowhere near the social status of James. His parents worked at a dry cleaner which did not pay much. But as children, James and Patrick saw no difference between each other. The two kids would go out and play together and eat at each other's house. They even went to church every weekend with each other. The school they went to offered numerous opportunities for scholarships and awards, which opened a path to attend a private school. 
It was at that moment when things were about to drastically change. James was offered the opportunity to take his education to a superior private school, where rich upper-class students could attend. Without James knowing, his parents decided to enroll him into that school without any notice. Patrick who was devastated of the news, could only wish that he could have gone to that school. At that very moment, he realized his family's financial situation. 

Many years had passed and James, who had gone to the well-known private school was hundreds of miles away from his old home. He seemed to have adjusted quite easily, due to the fact that the students there were within his social level. Being around all these snobby rich kids, James adapted to their social setting and made a complete 180 with his personality. 
The time came around when the two kids had to apply for college and work there way to a higher education. With all the wealth James carried, he was able to get into Yale with ease, while Patrick was still awaiting his acceptance letters from numerous universities. Patrick was an outstanding student with more than perfect grades. He scored a perfect ACT score and a 2360 on his SAT. From the high school Patrick attended, he was number 1 and a valedictorian. When the time finally came around, he had received an acceptance letter to Yale. 
New chapters were stirring for the both of them and the time came around when classes were to begin. During freshman orientation, the two met eyes and Patrick's face lit up. He hurried on over to James and greeted him with an enormous hug. James shoved him off and stared blankly into his eyes. With the face of disgust, he wiped his body and told Patrick to get his poor, raggedy self off of him. He explained to Patrick the social difference between them and that he would need to work his way up to even look him in his eyes. 
Once Patrick heard what James had said, he shook his head and walked away quietly. 

BibliographyDrona, Son of Bharadwaja by, Donald A. Mackenzie
Author's Note: I got this story idea from Drona, Son of Bharadwaja. I found this story to be quite simple yet common. Drona was best friends with Drupada and they hung out with each other everywhere. The time came when Drupada's father retired from his throne and so he took his father's place. Royalty was in his blood and Drona on the other hand was just some ordinary kid. He married his wife, Kripi once his father had passed away. Jamadagni, who was a sage, retired and gave his wealth and weapons to Drona. Drona then hurried on over to share the sage's inheritance with Drupada. But the only thing that ended up happening was Drupada belittling Drona.  


  1. Hey Paul, this was a very deep and intriguing story! It was great how close your story tied to the story of Drona, son of Bharadwaja, but then you put your modern twist on it with the idea of private schools, and universities. I think this story ties in with what can happen in modern day society, that you don’t see someone for a while and they are different when you see them again, and things don’t re click. This was a great story and I look forward to future stories to come!

  2. Hey Paul! I really liked reading this story since it does happen quite often and has more meaning that what meets the eye. I would maybe recommend separating your background/opening statement by using some keyword such as “background information” or even a paragraph spacing. Otherwise the story’s plot was very interesting and true to societal norms which can make it relatable. Good job!

  3. Hey Paul,
    This was a really great story and I enjoyed being able to read it. It was good that you were able to keep the story close to the original , but were still able to add your modern twist to it. Especially with the use of the private schools and universities, it fits in really well with our modern day.

  4. Hey Paul, I enjoyed reading your story! I like that you created your own version of it and made it your own. It is definitely very sad that this can be a reality in some people's lives. I think this can be such a good moral to learn from and remember to treat everyone the same.


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