
Showing posts from November, 2018

Reading Notes: Week 14, B

The FoolHardy Wolf  by Ellen C. Babbitt There was a wolf and a lion  The wolf was weak and had no food  The lion was strong and manly Seeing this, the wolf asked to be the servant of this might lion The lion agreed on one condition  The wolf had to look out and find the prey for the lion to attack and eat  Once this was a cycle, the wolf had gotten bigger and stronger over time  The wolf wanted to swap places with the lion  The lion insisted that he had never seen a lion kill an elephant  The wolf was so persistent, the lion went along with it When the time came alone, the wolf saw fought an elephant and was killed Therefore, the wolf got his name, FoolHardy Wolf Foolhardy Wolf

Reading Notes: Week 14, A

The Tricky Wolf and the Rats  by Ellen C. Babbitt  There was a wolf who heard there were herds of rats  The Chief of the Rats was the Big Rat recognized by all the rats The wolf wanted to eat all the rats because he was hungry He schemed a plan and decided to stand straight up with his mouth open The Chief Rat saw this and felt sorry for the wolf and had taken rats with him to comfort the wolf everyday  Once the rats would leave, the wolf would eat the very last rat in line When the rats had saw that they were depleting, the Chief saw this and went last the next time they went  The wolf tried to eat the Chief Rat the next time around but failed and was bit to death The foolish wolf

Learning Challenge: Attention

One thing I knew: Little good comes from being distracted- I've had my own experiences with this and it's completely true One thing I didn't know: spend enough time in frenetic shallowness to keep away from deep work One thing I'm curious to explore? The four suggestions to disconnect when it's time to connect  Just Relax

Tech Tip: Graduation Widget

Graduation Timer!! WOOOO

Extra Credit Reading: The Banyan Deer

Bibliography:  The Banyan Deer  by Ellen C. Babbitt There was a Banyan Deer who was gold, the king of 500 Banyan Deer There was another herd of deer called the monkey deer. Both had a king The king of the country like to hunt deer, but sometimes would tell his cooks to go hunt them The cooks didn't like going out and doing so because they would fall behind in their work They thought of making a pit and driving all the deer into it so that the king could easily hunt there Once this was done, all the deer of the country were at the hands of the king He would go and hunt some days and others his cooks would The deer would die one by one until one day A mother deer was next who had just given birth She asked for a delay in time so that she could be with her baby, but her king said no She asked the Bunyan Deer King and he offered to go ahead of her The King granted all the deer's lives so forth The Banyan Deer

Reading Notes, Week 13, B

The Stupid Monkeys  by Ellen C. Babbitt There was a King's Gardener The King had let everyone in the city have a holiday He really wanted to go, knowing all his friends would be in the city But his work kept him from going He thought that if he could ask the Chief of the Monkeys, they might be able to help him So he went and asked the monkey if they can help him water the trees They immediately said yes and let him go on his way to hang with his friends The monkeys were contemplating how they need to water the trees Then one said pulled the tree out and check the roots The King's Gardener came back and saw that all the young trees had died the next day The Stupid Monkey

Reading Notes: Week 13, A

The Otters and The Wolf  by Ellen C. Babbitt There was a wolf who went off to get fresh fish for his mate On his journey, he saw two otters The two otters saw a big fish and decided they should catch it to eat The first otter caught the fish, but as strong as the fish was, it was set free with its strength It was so strong it had dragged the otter along, who then yelled for his companions help The two otters teamed up and caught the big ol' fish Then a controversy stirred up as the two otters both wanted the head of the fish The wolf saw the two arguing and came to settle things The wolf split the head and tail for each of them and ran off with the body The otters realized the wolf had taken the best part The wolf's mate saw the great fish and questioned how he had caught it The wolf said he settled a quarrel between two otters and saw an opportunity to take the best part The two foolish otters

Tech Tips: Weather Gadget

Check out my cool weather gadget on my page!

Extra Credit Reading: Week 12

The Ox Who Envied The Pig  by Ellen C. Babbitt Big Red and Little Red are brothers who cart all over the large farm They are only fed straw and grass to eat They envy the pig who does nothing but eat choice food The two Ox are furious about the situation because they put it in all the hard work Then, Big Red told Little Red to not be envious, because the pig was soon to be dead Fattened only to be killed and eaten The Pig ate the food of death and Little Red now realized what was to come if they ate well Big Red and Little Red

Reading Notes: Week 12, B

Bibliography:  The Elephant Girly-Face  by Ellen C. Babbitt There was an elephant named "Girly-face" There were robbers who were scheming to rob a house The robbers said a man should not be afraid to kill The next morning, Girly-face used what he had heard and killed his keeper Then another keeper ran to see what had happen and was killed as well The king sent someone to check up on all the noise happening Then they all figured out that the bad talk was what had been getting to Girly-face So then they schemed to talk good only around Girly-face's stall and get him back From then on, Girly-face never killed anyone and became the good elephant he once was Girly-Face

Reading Notes: Week 12, A

How the turtle saved his own life by Ellen C. Babbitt The King had a lake where the little princes could play The princes would catch fish and lurk around the river to play They came across a turtle one day and were terrified because they've never seen one before The turtle was seen as a demon because of their lack of knowledge The princes rushed to the king to tell him of the frightening "demon" The king ordered soldiers to go and catch this demon at once Once the turtle was captured, they began planning on how they should kill it After many suggestions, the turtle heard one of them say to throw him in the lake Excited as he was, he popped his head out crying of such "cruel" action Once the king saw the action of the turtle, he ordered the soldiers to throw him in the lake From this, the turtle was saved The Turtle

Typing Test Tech Tip

I used Typing Cat for this tech tip. I enjoyed the clear formatting of this site and how errors are easily read I did not like that I had to press Enter for new sentences. I like it when I am able to just speed write without having to worry about capitalization and sentence breaks.

Extra Credit Reading, Week 11

The Three Fishes  by Ellen C. Babbitt This story revolves around three fishes, very-thoughtful, thoughtful and thoughtless The three were from the wild area and decided one day that they would swim out near a town Very-thoughtful had an eerie feeling, so he said that it was dangerous and to leave at once Being the lazy ones, the other two refused and said that it would be fine One day, the two swam ahead of Very-thoughtful and got caught by a fisherman's net Once Very-thoughtful saw this, he made a plan to make it seem as if they gotten away He splashed water from one side to the other, to make it seem as if they had gotten out Once the fisherman were fooled by this act, the three quickly ran away The Three Fish

Week 11 Story: The Man Of Riches

In the busy streets of Hanoi, there was a man whose name was George. He was quite the man and was loved by many people. His humble acts and kindness rubbed off to the city he was at. George was often helping people who were incapable of doing specific activities and he would go out of his way to make sure everything was done. It was one summer day when he was involved in an accident and injured his arm. His broken arm kept him from doing his daily activities and the people whom he helped were also affected. George was not very wealthy, so he could not pay off his hospital bills. So he lay vulnerable, not able to do anything but sit at home. The people of Hanoi heard of George's situation and were devastated. The immediate reaction was to help George so that he could get back on his feet and do what he loves to do. Everyone was all-in to help him and his circumstance because of everything he's done for the city of Hanoi. George Only one day later, the people helping Ge...